Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hello Quad Cities Pet Lovers!
 I'll make this our first official blog post! First, an introduction. My name is Adam Kurylo, I will be blogging with my significant other, Stephanie Taylor. We are pet lovers and have been all of our lives. We love taking care of pets, both ours and the pets of others. We look at pet care a bit differently than many others. We do believe in being responsible owners and pet care must come first in any situation. We also believe the best way to care is to take the word care literally. Care can mean different things to different people, there are actually several definitions to the word care in any quick "care-definition" on line search. The word care can elicit anxiety or constant attention. Or to some it may be that it is a job.To others it is to love or to have particular strong feelings for. We look to care with love, respect, kindness. Something more along the way you would treat for your buddy. You look out for your buddy, assure his or her safety, and, more importantly, have fun with your buddy. If you can relate, think to how you hang out with your buddies, how would you describe it? (We would love to know)
      To that point, this blog is not set out to teach people how to better care for their pet, but to interact with our clients, fans and friends about how to be a better buddy. Far too often we want to discipline our pals for not doing what they're told; getting into garbage, tearing up things that are not toys,  leaving "presents" when and where they shouldn't, etc. But there is not a lot of focus where it is needed the most. Having fun with our buddies! Isn't that why we got our pet in the first place? Some of the ways I have fun with my buddy is training him and rewarding him with healthy treats (he loves liver), playing fetch with him outside (no matter how cold it is), and taking him for walks (even though it's winter).
      So, for our first official blog post I have two questions;
What does the word care mean to you?
What do you do with your buddy for fun?

This is not just your normal let me talk at you type of blog. We encourage your interaction and feedback!
We want to constantly improve and we value your interaction.
Thanks for checking us out!
Adam Kurylo


  1. Zach and I have fun with our buddy by taking her to the dog park or playing fetch outside.

  2. I know Zoey has a bunch of energy too! Fetch outside my get cold with all of her energy!
